Thursday 19 July 2012

Fun Tiger Facts for Kids

 Fact: Tigers are an endangered species. Wild tigers in Asia -- their natural habitat -- may soon disappear. As conservationist, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, has been paraphrased: Saving the tiger is a test. If we pass, we get to keep the planet

Fact: Tigers keep their claws sharp for hunting by pulling in their retractable claws into a protective sheath

Fact: A group of tigers is called a streak

Fact: The roar of a tiger can be heard more than a mile away.

tiger sitting

  • Tigers usually hunt alone at night time.
  • Tigers have been known to reach speeds up to 65 kph (40 mph).
  • Less than 10% of hunts end successfully for tigers
  • Tigers can easily jump over 5 metres in length.
  • Various tiger subspecies are the national animals of Bangladesh, India, North Korea, South Korea and Malaysia.
  • There are more tigers held privately as pets than there are in the wild.
  • Tigers that breed with lions give birth to hybrids known as tigons and ligers.
    The tiger is the biggest species of the cat family.

    -by Anamika Choudhary 

    VII 'A'
    The perfect son .
    A:Ihave the perfect son. 
    B:Does he smoke? 
    A:No,he doesn't .
    B:does he drink whiskey? 
    A:No he doesn't .
    B:Does he ever come home late?  
    A:No,he doesn't .
    B:I guess you really do have the perfect son.How old is he?    
    A:He will be six months old next wednesday .  

    My friend said he knew a  man with a wooden leg named Smith.
    So I asked him "what was the name of his other leg?"  

    The doctor to the patient:'You are very sick.' 
    The patient to the doctor:'Can I get a second opinion?' 
    The doctor again:'Yes,you are very ugly too ...'  

    Patient:Doctor ,I have a pain in my eye whenever I drink tea.
    Doctor:Take the spoon out of the mug before you drink.   

    Two boys were arguing when the teacher enter the room .
    The teacher says, "Why are you arguing?"



       Tiger is our national animal . It is a carnivorous animal.The colour of its body is yellow and  it has black strips.Tigers are built for the kill.They are powerful hunters

    with strong muscular bodies. They have excellent sight and hearing and sharp teeths and claws for killing and tearing parts of their prey. This predatory mammals

    are among the most beautiful of all animals,admired  for their fine fur,speed  and grace.Tigers are the biggest members of the cat family.In Asia there are several types of tigers. In the north their is Siberian tigers and in India and the  southeast      the Bengal tigers is found .The smallest and darkest tiger is Sumatran tigers,found only on Sumatra island in Indonesia .The Siberian tiger has been hunted almost to extinction in many Asian countries.                        



          Trees are the greatest blessing of god to man . They are very useful to us . They give us fruit to eat , wood to build house and furniture . many birds live in them . They give us oxygen necessary for our lives and take our carbon dioxide . They bring rain and hold the soil together . They give shed for men and animal and comforts . if you will save trees , trees will save you . Trees help us in evrey field without any objection and demands . Parents without children feel hopeless , a country without trees is almost as helpless . many trees can make million of matches , but a match can destroy a million of trees . We love trees but we cut trees , we love flowers but pluck flowers . In this way we snatch the life of plants . Trees have their own life but trees do not have parents . We are the parents of these trees if we don't care for the trees , they will become weak . Hug a tree , they have less issue than you . We should not fell trees . We should grow trees and look after them well . Go green to globe clean . 

                                                     " Save trees , save environment "


                                                                                                                 by : Anamika Choudhary

                                                                                                             class :  VII 'A'          



         Oxygen is a colourless , odourless gas that makes up about a fifth of the air around us . It combines with hydrogen to form water and with other elements to form oxides . For example , oxygen combines with iron to form rust . Almost half the weight of the Earth's crust is oxygen , making it the most common element on the plant . Oxygen symbols O , colourless , odourless , tasteless , slightly magnetic gaseous element . Oxygen is more abundant than any other any element , on Earth . Oxygen was discovered in 1774 by the British chemist Joseph Priestly and independently , by the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele , it was shown to be an element gas by the French chemist Antoine Lourent Laviosier in his cllasic experiment oon cumbustion . During photosynthesis , green plants produce oxygen and release it into the air or water . This chemical process is an important part of carbon cycle and combines the sun's energy , water and carbon dioxide to create sugar . Plants that lives on land take in oxygen through pores in their leaves . Aquqtic animal and plants absorb oxygen that is dissolved in water



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